Sunday, January 2, 2011

" If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door".......... Milton Berle

                                                         TIME MANAGEMENT
  There is 365 days in a year, that's 8760 hours. I ask you ; what are you going to do with your 8760 hours this year? 2920 hours you're going to be sleeping which leaves 5840 hours. Give yourself and your loved ones 4 hours a day which leaves you with 4380 hours, that's 12 hours a day. With a full time job realistically you have 4 hours a day to create, that's 28 hours per week.
  My goal with this blog is to show you what I accomplished art wise with that 28 hours per week. Sometimes I might come up short, but my goal is to constantly impress you with what I can accomplish in those 28 hours. A kind of checks and balance for my growth and existance......... Creating balance is my #1 priority in 2011
          Time to sleep.
          Time to work to pay bills.
          Time for my family and friends.
          Time for me to grow as an artist.
  I'm hoping this blog helps me in this goal.

  Next week I will be outlining my new ideas like wall boxes, poetry chairs, found objects sculptures and a new comtemporary chair inspired by Santago Calatrava. Check him out at

                             THANK YOU ALL FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME!
                                                 See you next Sunday!!


  1. Scott,

    You are absolutely right - balance is the key! I think having a plan is vital to attaining balance, and you are right on the mark.

    Calatrava'a work is dynamic, and I look forward to seeing where you take it!

    Have a great week,

  2. Brian,
    Thanks for your continued support. It's always a boost hearing from you! We will slay 2011 !!
    Have a great work week also,
