Sunday, January 23, 2011

" It isn't so much what's on the table that matters, as what's on the chairs." William S. Gilbert

   My new "Chaotic Poetry" chairs are amongst my favorites. 50,000 board feet of lumber in five years had to go through my hands to make these four chairs. .....Here is a best guess at what 50,000 bf looks like.

   The words, numbers and letters sometimes come on the edge of a stick of lumber. They are rare because on a huge stack of 1000 bf. it will appear on one or two boards on the outer edge, if any appear at all. Hence the five years.
   I really like the look of these chairs, so simple yet complicated, just like their construction. I also admire the rareness and the authenticity of these beauties. I am putting them up for sale at $550.00 a piece but think they should be kept in a set of four like siblings. I will sell the set for $1,800.00 to keep them together.

    My intentions for this blog is to share with you my creative growth hoping that if I stray from being true to my art you will tell me so I might adjust. I firmly believe it takes a village to raise a child and the same goes for an artist.
   Thank you so much for your continued support. Till next Sunday, dream big and never settle!!


  1. Scott,

    That is a lot of wood, and the end results speak for themselves!

    I agree with your comments about the village. It's okay to dream alone, but I think community helps make our dreams become concrete.

    Have a great week, my friend,

  2. These chairs are great! And what a journey to get to the finished product. I do hope they sell as a set - they clearly need to be together!

  3. Brian and Gabriella,
    Thank you for your support!! A book, co-op gallery and minis are in my thoughts as are you two.
    Both of you have a great week,

  4. Scott.....these chairs are magnificent! Found text! I so appreciate the amount of time and effort that went into getting to these four chairs...what a mindful process! Best wishes! Patti
