First and last blog of 2010
I have decided that charting my course will be done less on FB and more on my blog for 2011. I hope to encourage all my followers to go this route so as to save us all precious time. I have much to accomplish in the year ahead and look forward to all your involvement.
Looking back 2010 was a great year creatively. I was able to produce 132 chairs. It was also a dismal year financially. Although I wouldn't change much, some of my growing revield weaknesses I will work on in the up coming year.
I would like to give a huge THANK YOU !! to my wife Robin, without her never ending patience I would not be anywhere close to where I am now. Robin's continued support makes her truly my rock.
To all the artists, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! without your willingness and talent there would be no here! Some of you agreed to paint one of my chairs without even knowing me. Your blind trust is much appreciated.
To all my friends old and new, your support is what gets me to the next day. I thank you and hope for your continued support.
A very special THANK YOU!! goes to my brother Charlie for taking all the great photographs. Without him and Glenn Scott's generous studio time, this company would not exist, and to Josh at Mingo for the opportunity of showing our work at his gallery. THANK YOU!!
My goal in 2011 is to get more artists involved and build a community of like minded souls and put ART back in the drivers seat where it belongs. I will encourage support among each other and truly believe together we can make the impossible possible.
Thank you all, let us bring on 2011 together!!
I will be posting my blog every Sunday.
Have a safe and Happy New Year!!